

Q: Who is MocVideo?

A: Mocvideo is the brainchild of Misturu Okabe, the pioneer of video in the bodybuilding world. He was the first to gain access to the best and baddest bodybuilders in the world. They took him in with open arms and MocVideo grew into the powerhouse now known across the world. Recently Mitsuru passed down MocVideo/Misturu Okable Inc. to Bruce and Lee Lester of Hardcore House of Bodybuilding LLC. We have worked hand in hand with Mitsuru to ensure that MocVideo runs smoothly and just as good, if not better, as before.

Q: Will there be a Battle for the Olympia 2008?

A: Unfortunately, no! The transition of MocVideo to the new owners was right at the time that filming would have taken place for the BFO '08. But ther WILL be a Battle for the Olympia 2009!

Q: What new projects are in the works?

A: Mocvideo will strive to provide quality dvd's at a steady pace. 2009 looks to provide 2-3 new titles, including the Battle for the Olympia 2009. We will try to keep everybody updated on the main page of MocVideo. If you are an IFBB Pro, or top level Amateur looking make a DVD, feel free to contact us.




© 2009 MocVideo/Misturu Okabe Inc.
A Division of Hardcore House of Bodybuilding LLC
No Portion of this website may be used without permission